Checking export of records

The invoice journal can be used to check whether, when and which records have already been sent to the tax consultant.
The automatic numbering system lets him or her see straightaway whether all files have been received.
The programme can be set to filter according to records which have not yet been sent.


Vollständige Belegexportkontrolle

How exported records and cash movements are shown


Select data format and period

  • Select required data format - such as e.g. Topix or DATEV
  • Determine time period for export
  • Add recipient’s email address

Checking revenue

All sales are listed in the gross profit overview, giving date of sale, salesperson, item and price.
The list for the required period can be sent as a CSV file.


Selecting the required category in the gross profit overview

The way in which figures are shown can be tailored to suit the needs of each individual retailer.

