Your own website, quickly and easily customizable without having to change the software code. Including homepage maker and the rapidly growing catalog, without any maintenance required.
Just a few simple steps to your own competitive online shop!
The catalog includes all product data, showing which products are compatible with each other, alternative products and the prices at which products can be ordered from the stocks of all well-known distributors.
ContentCard technology makes it easy for leading distributors and retailers to sell digital products worldwide. The huge product catalog allows all important available products to be accessed.
The complete ERP system with CRM, all cross channel innovations and optional professional POS system - accessible easily and at all times from the Cloud.
Each item can be given its unique serial number - for example when it is entered as a new product in the stock management system - either manually or by scanning.
The serial number is saved in the ERP and can be retrieved at any time from the system for the purpose of identifying the product.