All product information for all items!

A wide range of products has already been entered in the central product catalogue belonging to the online inventory system, together with pictures, descriptions and compatible accessories , as well as EAN and manufacturers’ numbers. It is also easy to enter your own products, however.
Stock levels in each warehouse/store are shown, allowing you to keep track of the current status of the complete product portfolio at all times.


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Product catalogue kept up to date centrally

Many products have already been entered into the system by other users together with pictures, fact sheets and information, and do not need to be re-entered into the ERP system. Saving you time and energy!
The product descriptions are always up to date, as they are added to and improved continually , similarly to Wikipedia.


Function 1

Search and find! Searching for products in the product catalogue


Artikel in der Volltextsuche schnell und effizient finden
How search results are shown


Enter product name

Once the required product name is entered in the full text search , all matching results are displayed, together with pictures, availability and selling price .


Der EAN-Code jedes Produkts wird zusätzlich angezeigt
Product with information


How product information is shown

For each product, all information such as technical data, product properties and the EAN code is displayed.

In addition, the system displays stock levels in all warehouses and stores.

Price tags in various sizes can be printed off straightaway.


Finding suitable accessories

In the product catalogue, matching accessories are systematically listed automatically for each product, allowing customers to be given competent advice. Accessories and various alternatives boost turnover potential.


Dem Kunden Mehrwert bieten durch den Zubehörkatalog zu jedem Produkt
How suitable accessories are shown


Product archive

The product archive allows you to search for non-current products and matching accessories.


Function 2

Entering new products: quickly and easily

If a product is not yet included in the product catalogue , it can be included quickly and easily.


Button for entering new items


Select enter new product

The form for entering new products is opened when you click on the enter new product button.


Der EAN-Code lässt sich einfach per Handscanner übernehmen
Form for entering new product


Adding product information

Here, the name, manufacturer and price information can be added to the product.

The product number can be entered into the form by scanning or entering the EAN code.


Selection of product categories


Categorising products

The product is allocated to a specific category and is included in this group of goods.


Adding features and information

The process of entering the new product is completed once the product-specific information and the data required for the price tag has been entered.


Template for product-specific information


Function 3

Creating a favourites list

An individual favourites list can be created from all product areas in the product catalogue, allowing users to find their most popular products quickly and easily.


Favoriten in den Artikellisten anlegen
View of favourites list


Creating a favourites list

  • click on favourites in the lefthand menu bar
  • select free field and search for the required product in the product catalogue


Adding a product to the list

Clicking on the asteriks next to the picture of the product puts the product into the favourites list.